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Remote Patient Monitoring Reduces Hospital Readmissions
Geisinger Health Plan, using innovative telemonitoring technology and solutions provided by AMC Health, has demonstrated a 44% reduction in 30-day readmissions and increased case manager efficiency in monitoring patients transitioning from hospital to home. Learn more » |
Social workers care about their clients, but rarely do they have time to care about themselves. Show yourself a little appreciation with field-inspired gear from our Gift Shop. We've got the perfect item for every situation from busy days in the office to at home visits. Check out our secure online shop today or call toll-free 877-809-1659 for easy and fast ordering. |
Social Work Today is mobile for iPhone, iPad, and Android users! Visit www.SocialWorkToday.com/digital on your phone's browser to view the mobile version of this issue and bookmark us for future issues.
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Effective efforts to prevent abuse are critical to the health and safety of all children, but even with the best prevention strategies and the most diligent adult caregivers, tragically, abuse still occurs.
The victims of child abuse require careful, sensitive, evidence-based interventions to help them heal, and one of the most effective is trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy. A key component of TF-CBT is parental or caregiver participation in the child’s treatment. Some parents or caregivers may be so horrified by the reality of their child’s abuse that they may shy away from frank discussions of the abuse, but this therapy encourages active involvement, and our E-News Exclusive explains why their participation is so important to the child’s recovery.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Parental/Caregiver Support of Child Abuse Victims
By Lindsey Getz
The importance of caregiver support of child abuse victims is not a new concept. According to a 2006 study by Herbert et al published in Child Maltreatment, support from primary caregivers can help counteract the negative effects of child sexual abuse.
Still, many treatment models focus solely on the child. One characteristics unique to trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy (TF-CBT) is its emphasis on family involvement in the recovery process. Many clinicians who have used TF-CBT believe it is this caregiver support that is the key to the model’s effectiveness.
Full Story » |
Revisiting Child Abuse Reporting Laws
Headline-grabbing child abuse cases often spark interest among legislators in reforming reporting laws, but experts caution against knee-jerk reactions if child welfare systems cannot support or implement changes effectively. Read more »
'Case' and 'Cause' in Social Work Education — A Balancing Act
Schools of social work offer both micro and macro curricula. Students and social workers must balance their recognition of both approaches as important to the history and practice of the profession. Read more »
Residential Treatment — When to Consider It, What to Look For
This article focuses on residential treatment options for adults with primary psychiatric illnesses. Read more »
Toward a Pragmatic Model of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
The American Psychoanalytic Association’s Teachers’ Academy builds bonds between different fields to further education about psychodynamic psychotherapy. Read more » |
Dramatic Increase in Army Suicides
in Last Four Years
The Los Angeles Times reports that U.S. Army suicides rose 80% between 2004 and 2008.
Affordable Care Act Helps Elders
With Prescription Drug Costs
According to USA Today, older adults saved more than $2 billion dollars on prescription medications in 2011.
Teaching Digital-Age Children the Beauty of Books
The New York Times reports on a program that is showing children a lost art by providing them materials to write, illustrate, and construct their own books.
Court Helps Minors With Mental Health Conditions
According to The Washington Post, this DC Superior Court navigates troubled youths through the intersection of the criminal justice and mental health systems.
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