Mobile App Technology
for Social Workers
As the world goes mobile, social workers are recognizing the capabilities of this technology in their field. Read more »
Trauma-Focused CBT —
Hope for Abused Children
TF-CBT encourages children to freely express themselves about all aspects of their trauma and involves parents and other caregivers in the recovery process. Read more »
Becoming a Successful
Field Instructor
Social workers in dedicated school-based programs for teen mothers discuss what helps prevent students from dropping out. Read more » |
Paralyzed Individuals Use Thought-Controlled Robotic Arm
In an ongoing clinical trial, a paralyzed woman was able to reach for and sip from a drink on her own—for the first time in nearly 15 years—by using her thoughts to direct a robotic arm. The trial is evaluating the safety and feasibility of an investigational device called the BrainGate neural interface system.
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Social Work Today is mobile for iPhone, iPad, and Android users! Visit www.SocialWorkToday.com/digital on your phone's browser to view the mobile version of this issue and bookmark us for future issues.
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Home is where the heart is, or so the adage goes. Those of us fortunate enough to have homes treasure them. Perhaps at no other time are our homes more important to us than later in life. Everyone wants to feel comfortable in familiar surroundings when so many other aspects of life, such as physical and mental health, are changing. Aging in place is a trend that is here to stay, and part of the trend involves home modifications that can make the physical environment more conducive to healthy, positive aging.
Social workers who work with older adults may be spending more time with clients in their homes than in residential facilities. This month’s E-News Exclusive raises awareness of home modifications that can help individuals who are able to stay in their homes as they age live safer, more comfortable lives.
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com. Visit our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com and join our Facebook page.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Home Modification for Aging in Place
By Lindsey Getz
As older adults live longer than ever before, aging in place has become a growing trend. And it’s a trend that doesn’t appear to be going away. According to an AARP nationwide survey, most adults aged 45 and older plan to stay in their current homes and communities for as long as possible.
For geriatric social workers, this trend is bound to have an impact, as visits will shift to in-home as opposed to longterm care settings. While the environment may shift, the aging-in-place trend takes advantage of some key skills that social workers already possess.
Full Story » |
High Sexual Assault Rate Among
Native American Women
According to The New York Times, Native American women experience a high rate of sexual assault and poor results in seeking justice in isolated villages with inadequate law enforcement and healthcare resources. Study Finds Teen Diabetes Rate Rising
NPR reports on new research showing increasing rates of diabetes and prediabetes in adolescents as concerns rise about the connection to childhood obesity.
Medicaid Changes Mean More People Covered
The Wall Street Journal reports on changes in Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act that are already making more people eligible for healthcare coverage.
VA May Have Underestimated Mental Health Hiring Needs According to The Washington Post, the VA may need to hire even more mental health professionals than the 1,900 recently announced. |
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