Psychiatrists Question Uses
of Antipsychotic Medications USA Today reports on a campaign to educate physicians and consumers about unwise uses of antipsychotic medications, especially in elders with dementia and children with behavior problems.
Legislator Advocates for Privacy
on Workplace Wellness Forms
According to The New York Times, a federal lawmaker is asking for a closer look at employee wellness programs that seek intimate health information.
Hospitals Learn From Boston Marathon Emergencies NPR reports hospital staff treating Boston Marathon patients have learned important lessons about improved emergency management.
LGBT Grandparents Gather Support
According to the Chicago Tribune, some LGBT grandparents are forming support groups where they can share stories of acceptance and rejection by their children and grandchildren.
We've just emerged from a month of heartbreaking violence in Nairobi, Kenya; at the Washington Navy Yard; and, as usual, in cities, towns, and villages in the United States and beyond on a daily basis. Violence of any kind is always ugly, but October is a month devoted to raising awareness of a particular type of violence whose seeds are sown in our homes and families, and cultivated in the soil of mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive relationships.
For Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are spotlighting our January 2013 Web exclusive because of its important focus on early intervention that warrants revisiting. It highlights innovative programs whose goal is digging out the roots of domestic violence in the vulnerable minds and emotions of youths who have witnessed it, been victimized, and are at high risk of repeating the same behavior.
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com. Visit our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com, join our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Preventing Intergenerational Transmission of Domestic Violence
By Angela BeiBei Bao
Michelle Batista, MS, remembers her last meeting with her clients vividly: She walked across the wood floors of the small conference room promptly at 5 pm on an October evening. It was time for the monthly meeting at the Violence Intervention Program at a confidential location in Queens, New York, and Batista was ready to introduce the discussion topic of the day: dating abuse.
Seated in a circle in front of her were five junior high school and high school students, backpacks lying on the ground at their feet. These five, aged 13 to 17, were not chosen at random. Each had experienced some level of domestic violence in their households, and all of them were Batista's clients in a previous individual counseling session.
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The meeting started with Batista distributing a handout describing a story in which a couple quarreled as the boyfriend was driving. Nick threatened to drive the car into the water as the pair traveled along a long two-lane bridge. His girlfriend, Caitlin, panicked and tried to grab the steering wheel. Nick then hit Caitlin and then tried to apologize with sweet talk and kisses. Nick's strategy worked. By the end of the story, Caitlin is asleep on Nick's shoulder as they drive home.
"What would you do if you were in Nick and Caitlin's position?" Batista asked the group.
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