The adage goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” so the effect of a picture and a thousand words has been even more dynamic, as we have discovered through film and video over the years.
Now, that power is also being tapped through the use of digital storytelling by organizations that want to tell their story in a fresh, contemporary medium that makes an impact which more conventional methods do not.
This month’s E-News Exclusive describes digital storytelling—the place where human services, art, communications, and technology intersect for organizations to raise awareness, combat negative stereotypes, or communicate a message.
Read about a fast-growing outreach tool for human services organizations and how it works.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
The Power of Digital Storytelling
By Susan A. Knight
Humans have an innate need to communicate and connect both socially and emotionally. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that storytelling—the embodiment of communication and connection—is present in every culture. People have always used stories to teach and share traditions and values, encourage reflection, and influence behavior.
What has changed, however, are the ways in which stories are being shared. Through the mix of media production tools and the Internet, digital storytelling has emerged as a powerful tool for communicating and connecting with others in a capacity that was once impossible.
Digital storytelling is the place where human services, art, communications, and technology intersect. Videos, photography, animation, and music are among the tools used to share a story and communicate a message. Through online platforms such as websites, blogs, and social media networking sites, these stories can be circulated more widely and more quickly than ever before. A growing number of organizations are taking notice and exploring the ways in which digital storytelling can be utilized.
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Trauma-Informed School Social Work
We now know a great deal about how trauma affects learning and behavior in schools. A trauma-informed approach in school settings is useful as trauma can affect the brain in ways that interfere with one’s ability to think clearly. Read more »
Solution-Focused Supervision: A Go-To Approach
The solution-focused approach is a form of psychotherapy originally used for helping people overcome addictions. Now its principles are being adopted as a management approach. A social work instructor describes supervision techniques for student interns that focus on creating solutions rather than examining problems. Read more »
Ethical Misconduct and Impaired Practitioners in Social Work
Often, social workers who engage in ethical misconduct, especially cases involving inappropriate relationships and incompetent practice, are impaired in some manner. Social workers can take steps to enhance the protection of clients, the public at large, other social workers, and their employers. Read more » |
Schools Look at War Zone Technology
as Safety Measure
Some schools are among the few early adopters of military battlefield tools that today are being deployed to address a nightmare scenario much closer to home: school shootings. The technology doesn’t stop gunfire, but supporters say it can limit the carnage by speeding up the emergency response. Learn more » |
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