The author of this month’s E-News Exclusive points out below, “According to statistics published by the World Bank, 1 billion people, or 15% of the world’s current population, are living with some form of disability, and between 110 and 190 million people are experiencing significant disabilities. It also reports that people with disabilities are more likely to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes (compared with people without disabilities) such as less education, poorer health outcomes, lower employment, and higher poverty rates.”
As our world becomes increasingly digitized, how many of our technology wizards are creating products and networks with people who have disabilities and health impairments in mind? Our E-News Exclusive explores a project that seeks to remedy this situation. Read about a consortium of individuals, organizations, and universities committed to providing the tools and infrastructure that will support digital inclusion.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Providing Digital Access With the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure
By Susan A. Knight
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are everywhere, shaping how we live and function on a daily basis. But health impairments and other barriers can make it difficult for people to access these technologies. Raising the Floor’s Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) project seeks to remedy this, by developing a range of tools that address these barriers and support widespread ICT accessibility.
People with physical disabilities, such as vision or hearing impairments, often find it difficult to use digital devices effectively. But access issues can also arise for people with learning disabilities, cognitive issues, and challenges related to aging. For anyone facing any type of challenge or barrier as they engage with technology, the GPII will make it possible to access the internet and online services in a way that meets the unique needs of each individual.
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Moral Distress in Social Work Practice —
When Workplace and Conscience Collide
Agency decisions about resources and programs; management directives, policies, and procedures; work culture; and changes in agency ownership, leadership, or focus are just a few of the factors that can lead to moral distress in social work practice. Read more »
Children of People
With Serious Mental Illness
Many children of parents with serious mental illnesses are resilient and will not experience problems. For those who do, problems may persist into adulthood, but intervention and support are available. Read more » |
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