Yes, September was Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so we are a little tardy with this review, but it is never too late for social workers to refresh their skills in this critically important clinical area.
According to the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, 42,773 Americans die by suicide each year. Clinicians must be aware of the risk factors and be adept in the techniques of talking to their clients who are at risk.
Read our monthly E-News Exclusive to refresh your skills.
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com. Visit our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com, like our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Reviewing Suicide Prevention Skills
By Jessica Crowe, MSW, LICSW
You have a new client. Or maybe, it is a current client with a history of suicidal ideation, attempts, and self-injurious behavior. You know what to do.
You can hear the words of your graduate school professor: “Pay attention to the words. Social workers need to hear the words their clients say out loud. What are they saying? Unsafe. Uncertain. Unstable. But, it is more than just listening to the words. Pay attention to the behavior. Social workers need to assess their clients’ behavior. What are they doing? Isolating. Impulsive. Irrational. Pay attention to the mood. Social workers need to evaluate their clients’ mood. How do they appear? Depressed. Dyspeptic. Defeated.”
Full Story » |
Medications to Quit or Reduce Drinking Underused
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Americans Feeling Anxiety Over Election The Washington Post reports on an American Psychological Association survey that found that about 1 in 4 American workers reported feeling less productive and more stressed at their jobs because of political discussions and these feelings of discontent were consistent regardless of political party affiliation or ideology.
Study Finds Traits That Put Children at Risk for Addiction
According to The New York Times, a new antidrug program recognizes how a child’s temperament drives his or her risk for drug use—and that different traits create different pathways to addiction.
Rural Opioid Problem May Be Addressed by Telemedicine The Washington Post reports that some think technology could offer a solution to the opioid crisis—by using video chat to connect patients with addiction specialists in remote locations—but most insurances will not cover it. |
Parenting Skills Training: When Does It Fit?
Not all parents require parenting training skills, but when they do, it is important to seek an individualized, evidence-based plan for each parent. Read more »
Moral Injury in War Veterans:
Seeking Invisible Wounds
Many combat veterans did what they had to do overseas and ignored their internal lives, but questions are now arising among some veterans about whether they violated their morals and values. Read more » |
A Secure, Anonymous Résumé Bank
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