Several conditions such as anxiety, depression, and certain medical problems can mimic some symptoms of ADHD; this is one of the reasons that ADHD may go undiagnosed until an individual is of college age or older. Also, there is still the mistaken belief that ADHD would most likely have been identified in childhood if it were truly present. Adding to the possible underdiagnosis of ADHD is the lack of familiarity among clinicians with the symptoms of the condition. The author of this month’s E-News Exclusive found that 72% of all counselors he surveyed rated their formal graduate training regarding ADHD as being poor or only somewhat adequate. Most had never attended a continuing education conference or seminar on this condition or received any in-house training on it.
This month’s E-News Exclusive appeals to social workers in case management positions in campus counseling and general medical clinics to learn more about ADHD. Their ability to link students to on-campus resources (such as disability registration offices and tutoring) and off-campus resources (such as specialists and psychological testing) put them in a position to influence student academic success.
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com. Visit our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com, like our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
The Clinical Priority of ADHD in Higher Education
By Steven Iacono, LISW-CP
Marie was a freshman starting her first semester of college majoring in social work. For many years she had been able to “get by” academically. It’s not that she couldn’t do the work, but it had always been a struggle. Compared with her peers, it seemed to take longer for her to get projects done. Her parents supplied a lot of support and oversight. They made sure she remembered to put her essays in her book bag, inquired about what homework needed to be done, and generally provided structure for her studies. Her 4th grade teacher had commented to her parents that she might have some type of attention problem; however, since her grades were good, they did not pursue any type of evaluation. They also disregarded her tendency to procrastinate heavily and to become easily distracted. They reasoned that kids always try to avoid doing their chores and homework.
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