This month’s E-News Exclusive reports on mobile health, also known as mHealth, which is giving individuals access to a wide range of tools and resources creating new approaches for diabetes self-management. Why is this important to social workers? More than 29 million Americans are living with the disease, which itself is debilitating, but depression frequently occurs comorbidly with diabetes and is unrecognized and untreated in many patients with both conditions. Depression in patients with both diabetes and depression can be chronic and severe. Read about how mHealth is helping patients better manage diabetes and hopefully may help them better manage depression.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Mobile Health Enables New Approaches for Diabetes Self-Management
By Susan A. Knight
The prevalence of diabetes has been a worldwide concern for decades. While the number of new cases in the United States has been declining in recent years, there are still more than 29 million Americans living with the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 U.S. adults are newly diagnosed every five minutes.
For people living with diabetes, self-management plays a key role in maintaining good health and reducing the risk of further health complications. In the past, the tools available to support self-management were fairly limited, and patient education revolved around in-person medical visits with a health specialist. This has changed significantly over the past decade, thanks to developments in mobile and wireless technologies. Today, mobile health, also known as mHealth, is giving patients access to a wide range of tools and resources, enabling new approaches for diabetes self-management.
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New Apps Designed to Reduce Depression and Anxiety
A suite of 13 speedy mini-apps called IntelliCare resulted in participants reporting significantly less depression and anxiety by using the apps on their smartphones up to four times a day, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
The apps offer exercises to destress, reduce self-criticism, and minimize worrying; methods to help your life feel more meaningful; mantras to highlight your strengths; strategies for a good night’s sleep; and more.
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Case Management at the Intersection of Social Work and Health Care
The advanced practice of case management combines the values and advocacy of social work with the “triple aims” in health care: improving the experience of care, achieving better health of individuals and populations, and reducing the per capita cost of care. Read more »
Aging & Isolation — Causes and Impacts
Understanding the causes and impacts of isolation can position social workers to help mitigate feelings of loneliness and isolation in their clients and contribute to an optimal quality of life. Read more » |
Congress Blocks Ban On Mentally Ill Purchasing Guns The Washington Post reports that Congress has voted down a
ban that would prevent people with mental illness from purchasing guns.
African Psychiatrist Counters Mental Illness Stigma With Friendship Bench
According to NPR, in response to the stigma people with mental illness face in Africa, a Zimbabwe psychiatrist developed a Friendship Bench where community counselors and patients meet weekly to discuss troubling issues and develop a plan to overcome them.
Heavy Drinking Normalized Among Women The Washington Post reports “Women in America are drinking far more, and far more frequently, than their mothers or grandmothers did, and alcohol consumption is killing them in record numbers.” |
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