Today’s social work educators are using simulations to teach students social work clinical skills in many settings but especially as vital members of high-functioning interdisciplinary health care teams. Read how simulations are helping educators make social work real for their students.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Learning Social Work Skills From Simulations
By Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, PhD, MPH, LICSW, PIP
Today’s social work educators have a difficult task: how to best educate and train students and current practitioners to face increasingly complex client situations and systems of care in the United States. This is especially true for health care settings, which have seen dramatic changes in the last decade with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and shifts in the roles and responsibilities of health care providers. Additionally, consider the 2016 findings from researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in United States, and do not forget about the complicated dynamics of communication between health care professionals who have diverse roles, responsibilities, and even cultural backgrounds. “All of these challenges combine to make health care a team sport,” says Marjorie Lee White, MD, an associate professor of pediatrics, emergency medicine, and medical education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). “Social workers are key members of highly functioning teams and integral to providing care that will improve population health.”
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Each year, Social Work Today magazine salutes dedicated and deserving social workers from various career paths with our Dedicated & Deserving Social Worker feature. Once again we will select and honor 10 professionals nominated by their colleagues and/or coworkers who are our readers.
Nomination Criteria:
- A social worker who has gone above and beyond his or her job description to make an extraordinary difference for his or her clients, community, or employer.
- A social worker who, over time, has achieved a exceptional standard of excellence in the field.
- A social worker who has overcome significant challenges in his or her career, risen to new heights of success, and had an outstanding positive impact on others.
- Nominees must have at minimum a bachelor's or master's degree in social work.
- Nomination essays must not exceed 1,000 characters.
Nominations must be submitted by Monday, October 2, 2017.
Family-Based Treatment of Adolescents With Eating Disorders
Clinicians working with adolescents with eating disorders have found this first-line treatment to be effective in avoiding hospitalization and averting a progressive chronic illness. Read more »
Helping Caregivers Foster Secure Attachment in Young Children
Innovative and evidence-based, this intervention is helping social workers who work with young children with attachment issues. Read more » |
Smartphones Linked to Unhappiness in Teens
For the first time, a generation of children is going through adolescence with ever-present smartphones. Jean Twenge, PhD, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University, has a name for these young people born between 1995 and 2012: “iGen.”
Twenge says members of this generation are physically safer than those who came before them. They drink less, they learn to drive later, and they’re holding off on having sex. But psychologically, she argues, they are far more vulnerable.
“It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental health crisis in decades,” Twenge writes in a story in The Atlantic, adapted from her forthcoming book. And she says it’s largely because of smartphones. Read more » |