E-News Exclusive Learning Social Work Skills From SimulationsBy Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, PhD, MPH, LICSW, PIP
What Are Simulations? Simulation also helps to address limitations in the social work profession’s signature pedagogy—field education, which provides real-life experiences for social workers in training. Social work educational programs in rural communities often have limited choices for students, and not all agencies can provide the necessary opportunities for students to experience interactions with multiple client systems such as group or community-based work. In addition, Dawn Taylor Peterson, PhD, director of faculty development at the office of interprofessional simulation at UAB, notes that some problems experienced by clients are so rare that students may not be familiar with best practices or lack opportunities to develop competency. “Students in clinical rotations are not always exposed to uncommon yet critical situations wherein effective communication is key,” Peterson says. “Simulation allows students to practice these important discussions with the expert feedback of an experienced practitioner before they graduate.” By including simulation as a routine part of field education, social work can benefit [from] what the fields of medicine and nursing, and even pilot flight training programs have been doing for years—an evidence-based teaching practice that increases students’ and practitioners’ skill levels while improving client outcomes. How Do Simulations Work? Finally, simulation includes a comprehensive debriefing between the participants (students or practitioners) and qualified trainers who have expertise related to the simulation’s content. For example, a simulation might include a volunteer acting out symptoms of depression and suicide while a social work student conducts an initial assessment interview and intervention. Then, following the simulation, the student would meet with the instructor to discuss how the interview went, covering both areas of competency and improvement. Key to this debriefing session is creating a space of psychological safety for the student; simulated experiences may be the first time a social work student or even a practitioner has encountered a particular client situation. Providing time and space to process the simulation also models supervision and consultation activities. Types of Simulations Standardized patients (SPs) are probably the most common simulation employed in social work educational and other types of training programs. As in classic role playing, a trained actor or volunteer portrays a specific client situation in consistent, standardized way. The goal is for each student or groups of students interviewing the SP encounter the exact same information and experience, with the only difference being how the student responds to the SP. A good example of how to use SPs in social work education comes from the University of Toronto’s school of social work. There, educators created an SP of an “African Canadian young woman coming out to the social worker as someone struggling with her feelings of same-sex attraction.” SP simulations can also be employed as an assessment of competence for graduation or licensure, often referred to an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Frequently used in medical education, OSCEs are gaining traction in social work education as well. Another type of simulation is a large-scale multiparticipant situation that mimics how complex social problems affect the daily lives of individuals and families. Examples include the Missouri Action Community Network’s Poverty Simulation or the Project HOPE’s (Helping Offenders Pursue Excellence) Re-Entry Simulation from the Southern District of the US Attorney’s Office. Both simulations employ a community-based experience, placing participants in the role of a person living in poverty or a person recently released from prison. Each participant is placed in situations where they must make difficult choices about their daily activities, and the goal is to raise awareness about the hardships of vulnerable populations. Finally, simulations can also occur in the virtual world, through simulators or computer programs. Brendan Beal, PhD, MSW, an assistant professor at the University of Montevallo in Alabama, is developing a virtual reality experience for students using head-mounted display goggles, allowing students to be immersed in a group work experience to learn the management of group dynamics. Another example is the computer-based simulation trainings for health care settings produced by Kognito, a private company, in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago, to help train students and practitioners in evidence-based practices such as Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT). Students log onto the company’s website and assume the role of a social worker or nurse to interact with a virtual client, similar to playing a video game. Not Just for Students Tarn notes that smoking cessation can sometimes be an awkward topic. “So it’s very helpful to have the simulation center available so students can receive feedback in a nonjudgmental manner with a certified debriefer,” she says. “The students really enjoy seeing how each discipline approaches the topic from a different, yet equally effective, perspective and style. The simulations have been so well received, we also began doing them with our pediatric medical residents on their pulmonary rotation.” How to Get Involved — Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, PhD, MPH, LICSW, PIP, is an assistant professor of social work in the department of social work at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. |