Health Care Review: Coping With Invisible Diseases According to the Disabled World website, an estimated 10% of the U.S. population has what could be considered an "invisible" disease, defined as a health condition that causes significant impairment and undermines the overall quality of life but does not outwardly manifest itself in ways that are apparent to others. As described by Paul J. Donoghue PhD, and Mary E. Siegel, PhD, in Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired: Living with Invisible Chronic Illness, a lack of external evidence, or conventional signs of suffering, can mean that those suffering from CKD may not receive a commensurate degree of compassion. This can cause those living with disease to experience self-doubt and frustration as they struggle to validate their illness and symptoms, leading to additional undesirable outcomes: anger, guilt, shame, isolation, and hopelessness. Among individuals with CKD, the implications can be dire. The Encyclopedia of Health Psychology suggests that those who do not receive support and understanding are at a higher risk for developing symptoms of depression; Hedayati et al indicate in Kidney International that those with depression are twice as likely to be rehospitalized and/or die. Social workers are instrumental in addressing these challenges by validating the patient's experiences, helping them prioritize the support they require and providing the tools they need to communicate those needs. Through education to the patient and their support network, social workers can promote quality of life and address symptoms of depression and anxiety to protect the patient's sense of self and cultivate a healthy mindset. 'You Don't Look Sick' The incongruence between the seriousness of the illness and the absence of visible suffering is difficult for many people to rectify. Comments such as these are often a greater reflection on the person who said them as they attempt to grapple with their own sense of helplessness. Those suffering from invisible disease must avoid letting a comment such as "You don't look sick" diminish their daily struggles and/or victories. Validating Symptoms and Experiences The manifestation of symptoms and level of impairment differs from person to person, and the trajectory is rarely linear. In its early stages, CKD often has limited to no outward signs, yet its considerable effects can dramatically alter the day-to-day lives of those with the disease. A morning fraught with pain and severe fatigue may be followed by an afternoon with energy and improved focus, only to be followed by an evening trip to the emergency department. The inconsistent and unreliable nature of CKD symptoms can cause confusion for observers, as they do not fit neatly into the schema of what a "sick person" should look like. Overcoming symptoms is not a simple case of mind over matter. For those who experience chronic pain, the degree of this pain is so different from transient aches and pains that language is inadequate for the task of describing it. It appears regardless of activity or inactivity, happiness or sadness. It simply exists in and of itself; no medication, positive thought, or rest can relieve it. In addition to disturbing, agonizing, and even disabling symptoms, the person with an invisible disease suffers, often deeply, from the negative reactions of others. In addition to the symptoms of a disease such as CKD, undertaking treatment is life changing. Individuals who require dialysis must commit to treatment three to seven days a week, averaging three to four hours each. Dialysis treatment also requires transitioning to a renal diet, limiting fluids to 1.5 to 2 L per day, a medication regimen, and a host of medical appointments. This does not account for other challenges such as infection, cardiac complications, problems with access (i.e., catheter or fistula), or simply managing daily activities such as work and family. Picking Your Battles For relationships that merit the investment, individuals must consider what support those relationships can and are willing to offer. Individuals need to consider the following: Individuals must seriously consider whether this person's understanding of the disease can contribute to their physical and emotional well-being before engaging them. If not, their energy may be better spent on other relationships, symptom management, and efforts to improve quality of life. Engaging the Support Network For example, sharing certain facts with their boss may promote understanding of their need to alter work schedules to accommodate dialysis or shifting duties to comply with doctor's orders. A conversation with their spouse about issues such as fatigue, financial struggles, and/or loss of sexual interest, will look very different. Protecting the Sense of Self An individual's sense of purpose in the face of disease is unique and measured by those aspects of life that hold special significance to them, including family, friends, career, hobbies, and/or spirituality. In its absence, a significant void can exist. For some, identifying a sense of purpose can be challenging. For others, the limitations imposed by the disease and co-occurring conditions may make fulfilling goals more difficult. In either case, social workers can help individuals reinvent themselves by embracing new opportunities that better align with their current circumstances. For example, if a love of reading has been affected by diminished eyesight due to glaucoma, then suggest audio books. If exercise is important to the individual but physical limitations prevent engagement in their preferred activity, encourage them to talk with their doctor and/or a personal trainer who can help adapt a new workout. If the loss of loved ones or limited mobility has hindered their social interactions, introduce new outlets through their faith community, neighborhood, community center, or other local resources. For disenfranchised individuals with limited resources, social workers need to expand their focus on securing benefits to include quality of life considerations. Accessing resources can make a significant difference by minimizing stressors and freeing time and energy that can be devoted to pursuits, goals, and the development of purpose. If individuals struggle to identify what they love and find fulfilling, encourage them to talk with a family member, friend, neighbor, someone in their faith community, or a mental health professional to brainstorm ideas that may elude them on their own. Yusuf Amin, who lives with CKD and has been published on the subject, suggests that the disease isn't so scary if those affected take the following steps: Cultivating the Proper Mindset According to Toni Bernhard, JD, who is published on the subject of chronic pain and illness, "The kindest thing we can do for ourselves when people disappoint us is to accept that disappointments are an inevitable part of life and then cultivate compassion for ourselves over any suffering we're experiencing as a result of [others'] lack of understanding about what it's like to live with invisible pain and with invisible illness." Empowered with this mindset, individuals will be in a better place to confront statements such as "You don't look sick" by thanking the person for saying so and encouraging them, next time, to comment, "You look good. How are you feeling?" — Christen Perry, LCSW, is a social worker for Satellite Healthcare. |