National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 25 to March 3 and the National Eating Disorders Association has created this year’s theme of “Come As You Are” to send a message to individuals at all stages of body acceptance and eating disorders recovery that their stories are valid. This is similar to the traditional social work approach of “meeting clients where they are at,” so it is fitting that we have a social worker contributing this month’s E-News Exclusive on a transdiagnostic model that treats eating disorders and co-occurring disorders.
The complexity of many eating disorders often requires multidisciplinary teamwork and readiness to address a range of symptoms with treatments that encompass various approaches. This month’s E-News Exclusive describes one model that reflects collaboration and willingness to treat clients with diverse clinical presentations that has proven effective in recent years.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
A Transdiagnostic Approach to Treating Eating Disorders
By Rebecca Berman, LCSW-C, CEDS, MLSP
Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that require specialized treatment provided by a skilled multidisciplinary team. As clinical trends indicate that our clients become more complex, our treatment must face the challenge of addressing the many facets of their clinical presentation. An additional challenge is that despite the demonstrated benefits, evidence-based treatments are rarely used in routine clinical practice (Gyani, Shafran, Myles, & Rose, 2014). This problem, called the research-practice gap, refers to the phenomenon in which psychotherapy treatments that show efficacy in the laboratory or academic setting fail to be adequately disseminated and implemented by clinicians in the real world.
The vast majority of eating disorder clinicians and treatment programs do not report using evidence-based practices in their work with clients (Attia, Marcus, Walsh, & Guarda, 2017; Cooper & Bailey-Straebler, 2015; Mulkens, de Vos, de Graaff, & Waller, 2018; von Ranson, Wallace, & Stevenson, 2013). As the number of individuals with eating disorders across a diverse range of demographics continues to increase, clinicians must increase their awareness of and competence in treatment approaches that demonstrate efficacy in promoting life-sustaining change for individuals with eating disorders (Goode, 2016; Kazdin, Fitzsimmons‐Craft, & Wilfley, 2017). Identifying an achievable solution to the research practice-gap has been an ongoing struggle throughout the fields of medical and behavioral health, and the field of eating disorders is no exception.
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First Smartphone App to Detect Opioid Overdose and Its Precursors
At least 115 people die every day in the United States after overdosing on opioids, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
And in 2016, illegal injectable opioids became the most common drug involved in overdose-related deaths. This spike has led to a national public health crisis and epidemic.
During an overdose, a person breathes slower or stops breathing altogether. These symptoms are reversible with the drug naloxone if caught in time.
But people who use opioids by themselves have no way of asking for help in the event of an overdose.
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Suicide Prevention Is Every Social Worker’s Business
Social workers don’t need to specialize in suicide prevention to screen clients for risk and warning signals, but they must be prepared. Social work education must step up to better train students for this aspect of practice. Read more »
10 Dedicated and Deserving Social Workers Each year Social Work Today recognizes 10 social workers nominated by their colleagues for outstanding service. Read more » |
Active Military and Veterans Include Yoga in Workout and Therapeutic Applications The New York Times reports that active military members and veterans are drawn to yoga for its use of the breath and classic warrior poses. The VA has successfully used yoga to treat opioid dependence and posttraumatic stress.
Innovative Programs Treat New Moms With Postpartum Depression, Psychosis, Suicidal Ideation
According to NPR, some programs are now addressing the distinct needs of new moms with severe postpartum conditions, unlike standard treatments in other psychiatric units.
Law Enforcement Continues to Rely on Forensic Methods Questioned by Researchers NBC News reports that law enforcement personnel, citing experience and intuition, continue to seek convictions using forensic methods that have been disputed by researchers. |
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