March is Social Work Month and meeting clients where they are is a social work commitment. Perhaps nowhere else is it more evident where teens and young adults are is in the use of technology to interact socially and entertain. Whether it is social media, gaming, or other platforms, teens and young adults have been raised to embrace technology. Unfortunately, whether associated with this fact or not, depression has also increased among this group, so it makes sense that web-based interventions could be one way to reach out to those teens who are isolated and may be experiencing symptoms of depression.
This month’s E-News Exclusive describes research on a web-based intervention that helps to identify those teens with the most severe depressive symptoms, taking a proactive rather than reactive approach to this growing problem. This intervention is not solely web based; it also includes face-to-face treatments. “The available literature suggests that internet-based prevention programs function best when paired with real-life engagement strategies,” says Tracy Gladstone, PhD, coprincipal investigator on the project. Read more about the research on this web-based intervention.
Happy Social Work Month!
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Web-Based Intervention Plays Preventive Role for Teen Depression
By Lindsey Getz
Depression is on the rise—most notably in teens and young adults. One in eight teenagers experienced at least one depressive episode in 2015, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. However, despite the critical need, a prevention-based solution to depression is still lacking. The treatment modality has remained reactive. But that may be changing. As new research is pointing toward web-based solutions as a possible answer, there seems to be an increased opportunity for providers to catch and treat depression early on.
One program in particular has been closely studied and is showing promise. Competent Adulthood Transition with Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic and Interpersonal Training (CATCH-IT) was developed by a team at the University of Illinois (UI) in Chicago, led by Benjamin Van Voorhees, MD, MPH, a professor and head of pediatrics at the UI College of Medicine.
This self-guided online depression prevention program was recently evaluated and compared in a new study published in JAMA Network Open. In it, the multicenter, randomized clinical trial compared the CATCH-IT intervention with a control intervention.
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Teens’ Frequent Electronic Communication With Parents Helps Maintain Youth Resiliency After Divorce
Texting, FaceTime, and other popular communication methods among teens may help build supportive parent-youth relationships after a divorce, according to a Kansas State University family studies researcher.
Mindy Markham, PhD, an associate professor and associate director for Kansas State University’s School of Family Studies and Human Services; Jonathon Beckmeyer, PhD, at Indiana University; and Jessica Troilo, PhD, at West Virginia University recently published a study about parent-youth relationships after a divorce in the Journal of Family Issues.
The researchers evaluated data from nearly 400 divorced mothers and fathers with a child between 10 and 18 years old. They identified three types of postdivorce coparenting relationships—cooperative, moderately engaged, and conflictual—and evaluated differences in three key aspects of youth well-being as well as the frequency of communication.
“Parental warmth and closeness, parents’ knowledge about their kids, and inconsistent discipline didn’t differ among three different types of divorced coparenting relationships,” Markham says. “What did make a difference was the contact that the parents had with the youth. Essentially, the more contact that parents had with their kids was better regardless of the parents’ relationship with each other.”
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Using Health Information Technology in Transitions of Care
Communication in transitioning patients from one care setting to another is invaluable, and health information technology is making that more efficient and effective. Read more »
Meaningful Relationships in Long Term Care — Helping Residents Make Their House a Home
A qualitative study of long term care residents shows cultivating meaningful relationships between residents and between staff and residents may be one of the most important ways to help them feel at home in long term care. Read more » |
More School Children Learning About Mental Health
U.S. News & World Report describes a program administered by The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center called Youth Aware of Mental Health, or YAM, developed by researchers at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and Columbia University in New York.
California Chef Advocates for Suicide Prevention Among Restaurant Workers NPR reports on a California chef who in the past has worked on other social issues is now directing his energy to suicide prevention in the restaurant industry following the loss of a personal colleague and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.
Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors Have History of Advocacy for Justice and Reform
According to The Conversation, survivors of clergy sexual abuse have a long history of being among the first to organize and push the Vatican to address the crisis and take action. |
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