Domestic Violence Awareness Month has been observed since 1981 as a way to connect advocates, activists, legislators, communities, victims, and survivors in ending violence. It evolved from the “Day of Unity” in October 1981 and was conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The “Day of Unity” evolved into a week and in October of 1987, the first National Domestic Violence Awareness Month was observed.
Much has happened in the past 20 years in advocacy for intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors and, more recently, especially since Tarana Burke founded the #MeToo movement, the floodgates have opened for women to share their stories of sexual violence and harassment. Burke has recognized that some women are especially victimized by IPV, and those individuals are transgender women of color.
This month’s E-News Exclusive by public health advocate, educator, and author Antar Bush, MSW, MPH, discusses the factors contributing to the victimization of trans women of color and proposes solutions for social workers and other professionals concerned about health care, social justice, and sound public health practices for LGBTQ individuals.
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— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Transcending Violence — How Social Workers Can Help Transgender Women of Color Heal From Intimate Partner Violence By Antar Bush, MSW, MPH
Social worker Brené Brown, PhD, says, “Stories are just data with a soul” (Brown, 2012). Policy people like me can get caught up in the data and forget that the numbers we analyze represent real people. When you are a social worker trying to do major multitasking, it is possible to fall into the trap of seeing people as simply charts and percentages on a PowerPoint presentation.
Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement, has acknowledged the significantly higher rate of violence trans women experience, especially trans women of color. However, the #MeToo movement overall may sometimes marginalize trans women because of a longstanding societal bias that somehow trans women do not represent “real” women. When trans women share their stories, they are frequently not believed. Their experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) are often not legitimatized as a result of transphobia among some in law enforcement. Many trans women simply fear reporting to police due to a prior history of mistreatment.
In my professional experience, trans clients have shared with me some horrific stories of having reported IPV to law enforcement. They have shared the judgmental stares received in hospitals, e.g., being asked by police, “Why have you been deceitful with this man (suspected abuser)?”
Full story » |
Virtual Medical Visits Get Wary Welcome From Older Adults, Poll Finds
The technology is there. The funding is nearly there. The health providers are getting there.
But a new national poll suggests that people older than 50 aren’t quite ready to fully embrace virtual health visits with their doctors and other providers—also known as telehealth.
Only 4% of those polled by the National Poll on Healthy Aging had had a video-based telehealth visit with a provider via smartphone or computer in the past year. Their reactions were mixed.
Meanwhile, more than one-half of all those polled didn’t know whether their health providers offer telehealth visits at all. More than 80% of older adults polled expressed at least one concern about seeing a doctor or other provider virtually rather than in person. And 47% worried about getting the technology to work.
But more than one-half said they’d be willing to try telehealth in some situations—for instance, if they got sick while traveling or needed follow-up on previous care.
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Juvenile Justice Journey — Social Work Role Returns in New Era of Reform
Shifting policies and priorities require social workers to reclaim their rightful place as advocates in a system first established to protect children from risks adults face in the criminal justice system. Read more »
The Grand Challenges for Social Work — An Update
A major professional initiative began nearly five years ago involving research, policy recommendations, advocacy, curriculum integration, and more. Read about its progress and future directions. Read more » |
DNA Tests for Psychiatric Drugs Are Controversial, but Some Insurers Are Covering Them
Finding effective psychiatric medications often involves trial and error, but genetic tests can suggest which drugs would work best for patients. Insurance companies are beginning to cover these tests, according to NPR.
Report Finds Teen Suicides Are Increasing at an Alarming Pace
The number of suicides among youths, which increased 56% over the span of a decade, outstrips all other age groups, reports The Washington Post.
Parents Should Limit Sports Participation for Children, Trainers Say
Intensive single-sports specialization increases the risk of injuries and burnout in children, so new guidelines recommend limiting the amount of time they spend training, according to The New York Times. |
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