If you don’t take care of yourself, then who is? That time-worn expression has stuck around for centuries for good reason: It’s true.
Now more than ever, it’s something to take to heart. In short, things are a mess out there. It makes self-care all the more relevant. However, it’s important to know there’s a lot of misinformation being bandied about, a topic that’s addressed in this month’s E-News Exclusive.
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— Lee DeOrio, editorial director |
Beware of Self-Care Myths and Misperceptions
By J. Jay Miller, PhD, MSW, CSW, and Erlene Grise-Owens, EdD, LCSW, MSW, MRE
Self-care—it’s all the rage. Popular media extoll the importance of it. Social media feeds are replete with tips, guides, and resources for engaging in it. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lauds the positive impacts of self-care activities. Everyone seems in the market for self-care products. Seemingly, in this contemporary landscape, no one can get enough self-care.
Certainly, the subject deserves increased attention. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has fostered an environment of unease, uncertainty, and urgency. In addition to the widely covered medical crises, myriad undesirable social consequences and conditions—such as societal inequalities, unjust systems, and toxic environments—are magnified. These underlying consequences and conditions are layered with the daily stresses of rapidly deploying remote technology, working from home, and/or navigating a physical work environment where basic safety is imminently threatened. Normative protocols are modified or abandoned altogether.
For many, these crisis conditions are exacerbated by responsibilities associated with homeschooling, increased caretaking, or other roles. For some, their own compromised health or loved one’s illness—even death—take on even more stress during this crisis. Collectively, these factors constitute existential, societal, and practical crises in exponential proportions.
Lure of the Quick Fix
In these times, it’s even more tempting to look for a quick fix. The allure of a magic salve of “self-care” to make it disappear or, at least, temporarily obscure the overwhelming stress is tempting. And, as always, a consumeristic, sound-bite–oriented culture stands ready to fill that order—for momentary relief. But, be wary of the superficial selling of self-care.
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Ride Health Expands Transportation Services
Ride Health, coordinating smarter transportation for every patient need, has expanded its core offerings to launch several new COVID-19–related products and services to support the needs of constituents across the health care spectrum.
With these updates, health systems and health plans across the country are now using Ride Health's cloud-based transportation coordination platform to provide safe rides for patients and staff, to deliver food and supplies to patients' homes, and to enable contact tracing of passengers and drivers who have been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19.
To speed delivery of these services, Ride Health has launched Rapid Deployment, enabling health care organizations to quickly provide comprehensive transportation programs that help with patient discharges, transfers, and access to crucial medical treatments that cannot be postponed. The program allows organizations to launch transportation programs in a matter of days, without upfront costs or long-term commitments.
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Eradicating Social Isolation — Grand Challenge Focus
The impact of isolation and loneliness is seen both physically and mentally. As such, it is the responsibility of all health professionals—including social workers—to help address and reduce social isolation. Read more »
Combating Moral Distress in Health Care
Over time, repeated exposure to morally distressing situations can take a physiological, psychological, and emotional toll on social workers and those in many other caring professions. Read more » |
How Students With Disabilities Would Go Back to School
Not all schools are offering in-person classes, but some services, such as speech therapy, can't be easily replicated at home, causing extra concern for parents of students with disabilities, reports WBUR News.
USDA Rolling Back SNAP Flexibility That States Need in Current Crisis
The USDA is returning states’ SNAP flexibility to “normal operations,” despite the ongoing crisis and increased need, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Young Women Speak About the Impact of Gun Violence in Light of Teen's Recent Shooting Death
Two teenagers with first-hand experience with gun violence hope their stories resonate with their peers, KOB 4 reports. |
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