With November being National Family Caregivers Month, this issue’s top story pays tribute to the enormous efforts being made by those devoted souls.
Anyone with experience in this realm will tell you how taxing it all can become. And it comes at you from all angles, from financial to personal. Relationships can be torn apart and bank accounts emptied.
Are providers aware of the caregiver’s struggles?
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com. Visit our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com, like our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter.
— Lee DeOrio, editorial director |
A Social Worker’s Thoughts on Caregiving: Honoring Those Supporting Someone During National Family Caregivers Month
By Lauren Snedeker, DSW, LSW, LMSW
It was always something my two older brothers told me, sort of in a joking but serious way: You will take care of mom, right? After all, I was the only other woman in the family, and I am the closest with our mother. We speak every morning, and if there is anyone prepared to advocate on her behalf, with no advance care planning complete, might I add, it’s me.
Women largely make up the informal (or family) caregiving population, with 1 in every 7 women in the United States reporting to provide care to a family member or friend.
I never questioned this fate until I began working with caregivers as a social worker. Working on a helpline with caregivers, mostly women, opened my eyes to so much more than I ever learned in graduate school. For example, how not all caregivers are gratified through their caregiving role. How, in fact, it is possible for caregivers to resent their person, resent the need to be a caregiver, and be unhappy with this new part of their identity.
Conversely, I learned—perhaps even more surprisingly because of how often we associate burden with caregiving—that many have and continue to find joy in caring for someone. For many that I spoke with, this was an opportunity to transform their relationship with their person—and themselves.
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Touro Receives ‘Social Work School of the Year’
Touro College Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW) was honored as “Social Work School of the Year” by the NASW-New York City Chapter at the organization’s 13th annual Leadership Awards Gala.
Touro is the first social work school to receive the award, created to acknowledge institutions that educate their members and serve as a foundation of the profession. The inaugural award went to Touro for its leadership and contributions in building the profession. Specifically, it acknowledges the school’s commitment to social justice through teaching, advocacy, and clinical excellence.
More than 200 guests attended the virtual event—“20 to 20 and Beyond”—celebrating social workers’ achievements, commitment to social justice and the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women’s constitutional right to vote.
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R3 Score Launches Campaign for Americans With Criminal Records
R3 Score Technologies, a newly established public company via a share exchange agreement and software as a service company providing a more contextualized criminal background check, has launched the “Bank on 100 Million” campaign (www.Bankon100Million.com). The campaign is designed to encourage the private sector to evaluate employees and consumers with records more fairly than ever before—treating them as potential candidates rather than unfairly discriminating against them.
Joining the campaign begins with businesses and financial institutions taking the Bank on 100 Million pledge, which simply states the organization's commitment to inclusive policies and practices that do not disqualify talent or customers solely based on a background check—promoting racial and economic equality for all. Beyond the pledge, entities are invited to take the next two steps: build a community of stakeholders to assess current policies and practices (and if necessary establish new ones) and use R3 Score as a means to operationalize their values.
R3 Score was cofounded by a nationally recognized criminal justice advocacy team and is led by Laurin Leonard. Leonard cofounded R3 Score with her mother, Teresa Y. Hodge, as a result of their lived experience with mass incarceration.
“The current climate in America is forcing corporations to evaluate their longstanding systems that have created a culture of dismissing certain candidates due to a criminal record,” Leonard says. “We are proud to launch Bank on 100 Million to inspire change and create opportunities for those constantly judged by their worst mistake and not by their full potential.”
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Social Workers Are Vital to Pandemic Recovery — This Is Why
During this global pandemic, when activities have halted and no ending is near, social workers are a critical component to maintaining the ongoing government engine that is health care in America. Read more »
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics — How and Why They Work
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics are facilities in which any individual can receive care for a mental health or substance use need, regardless of their insurance coverage or ability to pay. Read more » |
Teens in COVID Isolation: ‘I Felt Like I Was Suffocating’
The social isolation of the pandemic is taking a toll on the mental health of teenagers, who rely on their friends and social events to manage anxiety, depression, and the pressures of high school, reports The New York Times.
After COVID-19 Diagnosis, Nearly 1 In 5 Are Diagnosed With Mental Disorder
Researchers analyzed electronic health records for 69.8 million patients in the United States and found that nearly 1 person in 5 diagnosed with COVID-19 is diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder such as anxiety, depression, or insomnia within three months, according to NPR. |
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