E-Newsletter • October 2022 |

Editor's E-Note
Findings of the National Domestic Violence Hotline survey of survivors about their experience with law enforcement indicates that the criminal legal system needs to reassess its role in responding to people who’ve experienced intimate partner violence. Respondents indicate a reluctance to contact law enforcement because they’re afraid of reprisals from their partners, believe they will not be helped, or anticipate that they’ll be arrested, among other fears.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
Survivors of Domestic Violence Report Feeling Less Safe After Contacting Law Enforcement
The National Domestic Violence Hotline recently released the results of a survey of survivors’ experiences with law enforcement. In 2015, the hotline first conducted a survey on the experiences of survivors with law enforcement. The survey results were leveraged widely to highlight the experiences of survivors and their evolving needs.
In 2021, the hotline conducted a follow-up survey to gain additional data and insights. As with the 2015 survey, the results underscore the need to reexamine the criminal legal system’s role in intimate partner violence and reimagine survivor-centered responses to domestic violence. The hotline surveyed survivors who reached out to its chat line and website between March and May of 2021, with more than 1,500 survivors responding.
Of those 1,500, approximately 82% of survivors had contacted police about intimate partner violence or sexual assault and 12% did not. Both groups shared concerns about turning to the police for assistance and were also concerned about contacting them in the future.
“What this survey lays out with painful clarity is that the main reason domestic abuse victims reach out to law enforcement is because there is no other alternative,” says Katie Ray-Jones, CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “It is a powerful reminder that we need to look beyond the criminal legal system for responses to violence that actually meet survivors’ needs for justice and safety, including social services, mental health supports, community interventions, housing resources, financial assistance, and more.”

Support to Combat Sexual and Domestic Violence on Campus
To address and prevent sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking on college campuses, the US Justice Department will award nearly $22 million in grants.
Homelessness and Self-Neglect
Social workers’ views about, and strategies for, working with people who experience homelessness and self-neglect is explored in a paper published in the British Journal of Social Work.
Back to School Challenges for Social Workers
The pandemic, gun violence, and concerns about the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals have elevated mental health issues for students and posed challenges for the social workers who care for them.
The Future of Refugee Resettlement
In a recent paper, researchers from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work look at the history of private-sector involvement in refugee sponsorship programs and discuss the transformative potential of new initiatives to boost private and community involvement in US refugee settlement. |
Violence Prevention
The University of Maryland, Baltimore, has launched the Center for Violence Prevention, an interdisciplinary approach to violence prevention and intervention that draws upon the resources and expertise of combining the expertise and clinical work of the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at the University of Maryland Medical Center and the University of Maryland schools of medicine, social work, and law. Learn more » |
On the Bookshelf
The second edition of Frederic G. Reamer’s The Philosophical Foundations of Social Work is revised and updated to encompass present-day issues, including the relevance of philosophy to issues of social justice. Learn more »
New Foster Care Functionality
NextGen Healthcare, a provider of innovative, cloud-based health care technology solutions, has released its NextGen Behavioral Health Suite, built on the company’s NextGen Enterprise EHR and practice management system. It’s the industry’s first platform to integrate comprehensive physical, dental, behavioral health, and human services, with tools that support the delivery of foster care services. Learn more » |
Connected Care
When integrated services function together with a focus on prevention and well-being, patients may experience less health-related disruptions in their lives and enjoy overall better physical and mental health. However, delivering such care is not easy.
Social Work’s Obligation to Undocumented Students
Social workers have a responsibility to ensure that undocumented students have access to the necessary resources to grow and thrive.
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